Omer Ben-Porat (עומר בן-פורת)
Assistant Professor,
Technion—Israel Institute of Technology.
I'm an Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) at The Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences at the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology.
My research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning and computational game theory. More specifically, I am interested in strategic, societal, and economic aspects of ML, developing both theory and practical tools.
Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Computer Science at Tel-Aviv University, hosted by Prof. Yishay Mansour. I received my PhD from the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, where I was very fortunate to be advised by Moshe Tennenholtz in the IE&M Faculty.
What's new?
[Dec 2023] Two papers were accepted to AAAI 2024!
[Jan 2023] Our paper "Learning with Exposure Constraints in Recommendation Systems" got accepted to WWW 2023!
[Dec 2022] Our paper "Frustratingly Easy Truth Discovery" got accepted to AAAI 2023!
[Mar 2022] I joined the Technion IE&M as an Assistant Professor!
[Dec 2021] Our paper "Modeling Attrition in Recommender Systems with Departing Bandits" got accepted to AAAI 2022!
[Aug 2021] I'm Co-organizing the NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Learning in Presence of Strategic Behavior with Nika Haghtalab, Annie Liang, Yishay Mansour, and David Parkes.
[July 2021] I received the Israeli Association for Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) best Ph.D. thesis award!
[Dec 2020] Our paper "Corporate Social Responsibility via Multi-Armed Bandits" got accepted to ACM FACCT 2021! (ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency)
[Dec 2020] Our paper "Protecting the Protected Group: Circumventing Harmful Fairness" got accepted to AAAI 2021!
[Oct 2020] Joined Tel-Aviv University as a Postdoctoral Researcher, hosted by Prof. Yishay Mansour.
[Sept 2020] Our work "Content Provider Dynamics and Coordination in Recommendation Ecosystems" got accepted to NeurIPS 2020!
[Aug 2020] I defended my PhD dissertation, entitled "Strategic Behavior in Prediction and Recommendation"!
[June 2020] Two papers, "Fiduciary Bandits" and "Optimizing Long-term Social Welfare in Recommender Systems: A Constrained Matching Approach" got accepted to ICML 2020!
[Apr 2020] Our work "Predicting Strategic Behavior from Free Text" got accepted to the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research!
[Mar 2020] Our work "Privacy, Altruism, and Experience: Estimating the Perceived Value of Internet Data for Medical Uses" got accepted to The Web Conference 2020 Workshop on Innovative Ideas in Data Science!
[Feb 2020] Presenting our work in the AAAI 2020 Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence, PPAI 2020.
[Dec 2019] Presented at YoungEC' 2019 at Tel-Aviv.
[July 2019] I gave a talk at Facebook, Menlo Park, CA.
[June 2019] Co-organized the EC 2019 Workshop on Learning in Presence of Strategic Behavior with Nika Haghtalab, Yishay Mansour and Tim Roughgarden.
[June 2019] Summer Research Scientist at Google (Mountain View, CA). Working with the Discrete Algorithms group.
[Apr 2019] Our paper "Regression Equilibrium" got accepted to EC 2019!
[Apr 2019] I gave a talk on "Regression Equilibrium" at the EconCS Group Seminar at Harvard.
[Apr 2019] I gave a talk on "Regression Equilibrium" at the Artificial Intelligence Seminar at Carnegie Mellon University.
[Jan 2019] I was selected as a 2019 J.P. Morgan PhD Fellow (one of 14 worldwide)!
[Oct 2018] Aloha! Two papers, "From Recommendation Systems to Facility Location Games" and "Convergence of Learning Dynamics in Information Retrieval Games" were accepted to AAAI 2019!
[Sept 2018] Our paper "A Game-Theoretic Approach to Recommendation Systems with Strategic Content Providers" got accepted to NIPS 2018!
[Jul 2018] I presented our work on "A Game-Theoretic Approach to Recommendation Systems with Strategic Content Providers" in ICML 2018 workshop on Game-Theoretic Mechanisms for Data and Information.
[Apr 2018] Our paper "Multi-Unit Facility Location Games" got accepted to Mathematics of Operations Research!
[Feb 2018] I designed, created and taught "Introduction to Machine Learning in Python" for MBA students in the Technion!
[Sept 2017] Our paper "Shapley Facility Location Games" got accepted to WINE 2017!
[Sept 2017] Our paper "Best Response Regression" got accepted to NIPS 2017!